Shoyoroku - Case 64: Shisho's "Succession" Head Monk Shisho [1] asked Hogen, "You have opened a zendo, Master. But who did you succeed to?" Hogen said, "Master Jizo." Shisho said, "You have gone a great deal against your late master Chokei." [2] Hogen said, "I still don't understand a turning word of Chokei's." Shisho said, "Why didn't you ask me?" Hogen said, "'The one body manifests itself in myriad phenomena', what does it mean?" Shisho stuck up his whisk. Hogen said, "That is what you learned under Chokei. What is your own view, Head Monk?" Shisho was silent. Hogen said, "When it is said, 'The one body manifests itself in myriad phenomena', are the myriad phenomena swept away or are they not?" Shisho said, "Not swept away." Hogen said, "There are two." All the disciples on the right and the left side said, "Swept away." Hogen said, "The one body manifests itself in myriad phenomena, Nii [3]!" [1]: Shisho was a disciple of Master Chokei. [2]: Hogen once practiced under Master Chokei. [3]: A word used to point something out.